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ENG101 Composition

Resources to assist students with their Eng101 projects

Where to Look

Starting your Research:

1. Go to the library's home page  

2. The search box centered at the top of the page defaults to search within all of our databases and catalog, allowing you to search journals, books, reference, and ebooks all from one spot.

3. Be sure to check the "Full Text" and "Peer Reviewed" check boxes before searching.

Additional Databases:

Opposing Viewpoints in Context - 470 eBooks plus periodicals & websites on current social issues

ProQuest Research Library - 3,800+ magazines, journals & newspapers in all subject areas

Criminal Justice Periodicals Index - 240 criminal justice journals

ProQuest Biology JournalsOver 415 journals covering topics like Botany, Microbiology, & Zoology


Getting Results

Searching Databases

The Library’s Databases have hundreds of journal articles and ebooks.

Searching the Catalog

Find print and ebooks in the Online Catalog.
Search or browse by subject, author, title or keyword.