Consider searching for sites within your specific country using their country's domain code.
For example: belgium "juvenile justice" site:.be
Australia | .au |
Belgium | .be |
Canada | .ca |
China | .cn |
Germany | .de |
Honduras | .hn |
El Salvador | .sv |
India | .in |
England | .uk |
Japan | .jp |
Russia | .ru |
South Africa | .za |
And/Or search by region using Google's Advanced Search:
1. Click "Tools" to the right of the Google search filters.
2. Select "Advanced Search" from the additional tools that appear:
3. First, enter the words you wish to search by, for example, juvenile justice. Second, choose your country from the Region dropdown:
Proquest Criminal Justice Database
Global Issues in Context
Search for your county and then search by your topic.
Consider searching from a broader context, such as by your country, "criminal justice, " "juvenile delinquency," etc.
Films on Demand
Videos on different cultures and issues. Searching "juvenile justice" brings up videos on the U.S. system and issues.
Books available: