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CMJ 201 - Criminal Justice

This guide was created for CMJ 201's research paper on current issues in criminal justice.

Useful Web Sites

Purdue OWL logo

Try a Google search for "APA Citation Style," "MLA Citation Style," or "how do I cite [insert type of resource] in [insert citation style]" to find more information.

MS Word Templates

MS Word logoMicrosoft Word has APA and MLA templates which can help you with your paper's formatting.

How to get templates:

Inside Word, go to the File tab and select New. Instead of choosing "Blank document", use the box that says Search for online templates. Search for "APA" or "MLA" and select the very first result. This will download the template for future use.

**Please note that the APA report template uses the 6th edition of APA guidelines. Check with your professor first to be sure this formatting is acceptable.