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Library Secondary: OneSearch

Secondary library web pages


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What is OneSearch?

OneSearch is a simple and fast search engine that helps you discover relevant information on many topics from a variety of the Chesapeake Library collections. It’s a great place to start your research in scholarly journals, books, and more. From your search results, it’s one step to the full text of many of our articles or to finding a book on the shelf.

OneSearch is not a complete replacement for searching the library’s subscription databases, but it is a convenient way to begin exploring a topic. OneSearch searches through over a billion records of books, scholarly journals, newspaper articles,* ebooks, theses and dissertations, conference proceedings, and academic databases. It contains everything found in our online catalog, plus a lot of our online full-text content available through the library.


    > OneSearch
    > Databases
    > Catalog


    > NoodleTools


    > Research Guides