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Library Secondary: Selection Policy

Secondary library web pages

Selection Policy

The goal of the Chesapeake College Learning Resource Center Selection Policy is to guide librarians in the selection and acquisition of materials to be added to the library's collection.

The selection policy reflects the following objectives:

  • To provide materials in support of the College curricula.
  • To provide a balanced collection in all fields of knowledge.
  • To provide a representative selection of materials on all subjects of interest to the College community and the residents of the five county area that the LRC supports.
  • To promote and encourage reading outside of the classroom.
  • To provide materials which further information literacy and life-long learning.

Material selection is the responsibility of the library staff, with the participation of classroom faculty. The librarians will select materials based on reviewing tools, including journals such as Choice and Library Journal, as well as suggestions, requests, and recommendations from faculty, staff, and students.

The purchase of these materials should meet the needs of the Chesapeake College Community in at least one of the following ways:

  • Curriculum support,
  • General information,
  • General or special professional growth,
  • Cultural enrichment,
  • Extracurricular interest of the Community.

Materials will be included in the collection based on the following evaluative criteria:

  • Relevance to the curriculum,
  • Permanent or timely value,
  • Competent and qualified author,
  • Accuracy of information,
  • Reviews in professional literature,
  • Readability,
  • Reputation and professional standing of publisher,
  • Price,
  • Format (preference given to e-format when available),
  • Availability of materials elsewhere in the Community or online,
  • Scarcity of material available,
  • Historical value.

Resources will be selected based on the strengths of the materials, rather than rejected based on their weaknesses.


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