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Making Your Student ePortfolio

A guide to necessary tools & knowledge needed for Education students to construct a student portfolio online.

Free Website Builders

Here are some of the many resources available for creating a free website. Creating a free account is pretty easy with all of them so you can try a few and get a feel for the differences. 

Example Portfolios

↑ Click/tap the website builder names above to view the examples for that tool! ↑

What's good about these examples?

  • Professional - no spelling mistakes or grammatical errors, readable font choices, consistent & easy to use navigation
  • Visual Appeal - images that are not only interesting but add to the content
  • Comprehensiveness - all of the major areas of study are covered with a wide range of assignments
  • Variety - assignments are not just research papers, but a variety of media

↑ Click/tap the website builder names above to view the examples for that tool! ↑

↑ Click/tap the website builder names above to view the examples for that tool! ↑

↑ Click/tap the website builder names above to view the examples for that tool! ↑

↑ Click/tap the website builder names above to view the examples for that tool! ↑