MLA requires your paper to have a specific layout and presentation. Here are a few tips to help you set up your paper correctly:
Use 1 inch margins at the top, bottom, and both the left and right sides of the document
Be sure to check this on your computer - many programs default to 1.25 inches on the left and right.
Use Times New Roman font, size 12 pt
Double-space the whole paper
Left-aligned, and double spaced, put:
Full Name
Instructor's Name
Course Number
After your heading, press enter, and center your alignment. Your title should not be bolded, underlined, or italicized. Do not change the font or size of the text. Capitalize only the first letter of words, not the entire title
Page Numbers:
In the "header" of your document, right align your text and type your last name followed by each consecutive number of pages. For example, the first page will be labelled Smith 1. For step-by-step instructions on how to access the "header" and format your page numbers, see:
Creating a header in MLA Style
Sample MLA Paper Format