Chesapeake College prohibits peer-to-peer file sharing and unauthorized downloading of copyrighted information via campus networks. Downloading or sharing copyrighted video, music, software or games without permission from the copyright owner may result in criminal and civil penalties. Furthermore, such behavior is prohibited by the Chesapeake College Student Code of Conduct (Section 4, Guideline 3, points 4 and 5).
In an effort to deter peer-to-peer file sharing and comply with H.R. 4137, the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA), Chesapeake College will:
· Inform students by way of an annual disclosure and publicly on the college website that illegal distribution of copyrighted materials may result in criminal and civil penalties.
· Certify to the US Secretary of Education that the college has plans to detect and prohibit the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material.
· Offer alternatives to illegal file sharing
· Periodically review the effectiveness of the plan
The college currently employs technology-based detection (packet shaping,prioritized traffic, URL filtering and network traffic monitoring) to monitor P2P applications and activity.
Educause, a nonprofit association whose mission is to advance higher education by promoting the intelligent use of information technology, maintains a comprehensive list of Legal Downloading Resources. Chesapeake College encourages members of the campus community to take advantage of these legitimate sources of digital content.
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