This guide does not constitute legal advice. If you have legal questions, please contact a lawyer.
Under copyright law, reproduction is one of two forms:
Printed Music: Relatively brief excerpts (that is,only as much as is necessary) may be used without permission of the copyright holder. May make a single recording of student performances. The recording may be retained for evaluation purposes only. May make relatively brief excepts of commercial or other recordings of copyrighted music may be used without permission of the copyright holder. |
May not reproduce musical recordings or convert them to another format (e.g., record to tape, tape to cassette, etc.) without written permission. |
May make single copies of:
May make multiple copies for classroom use (not to exceed one copy per student per course) of:
All copies must include an appropriate copyright warning notice. Copying must be made by the teacher or at the request of the teacher - not at the direction of a higher authority. |
May not copy more than one work or two excerpts from a single author during one class term. No more than three works from a collective work or periodical volume during one class term may be copied. May not make multiple copies of more than nine works for distribution to students in one class term. Copies can not be used to create, replace, or substitute for an anthology. "Consumable" works such as workbooks, standard tests, answer sheets, etc., may not be copied. |
Permission to reuse content from Howard Community College Library.