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Online Teaching Guide: Requirements


Chesapeake Online Teaching Requirements

Eligibility to Teach Online at Chesapeake College.  Instructors assigned to teach online or hybrid classes at Chesapeake must meet the following requirements.

  1. Technical competency, including word processing, presentation software, email, file management, web browsers and standard operating systems, internet use and internet research skills, basic computer operation and maintenance.
  2. Completion of Chesapeake College’s Teaching Online course, or the equivalent.  Instructors who have successfully taught online courses at Chesapeake College are exempt. 
  3. Completion of Chesapeake College’s Canvas Pathways course.  Instructors who have used Canvas to teach online for at least one semester at another college may be exempted from this requirement if they can demonstrate competence with Canvas.

Additional required training can be offered by the Teaching and Learning Center. This may include professional development trainings in a variety of technologies utilized by the Teaching and Learning Center within Chesapeake Online classes.