This section provides guidance on how to meet or exceed each standard for instructor responsiveness.
Standard: The instructor is present in an online course at least four out of every seven days.
- Actively facilitate the discussion forums
- Post weekly announcements
- Provide feedback to each student and to the class as a whole
Standard: The instructor responds to student emails or messages about the course within 24 hours, except for weekends and holidays.
- Require all emails to be within Canvas regarding the course
Standard: Grades on major assignments and tests are returned within one week of the due date.
- Use Speed grader
- Enter the grade in the gradebook
- Employ rubrics for all graded items
Standard: The instructor engages in meaningful interaction with the class at least once per week.
- Actively facilitate the discussion forums
- Utilize the ABC method to respond to the initial posts of students:
- Acknowledge something the individual has said.
- Build by adding personal experience, observations, or relevant content.
- Conclude with a question to the individual or class.
- Provide more than a one-line sentence reply in the discussion board to a student post.
- Participate in the unit’s discussion questions 4 out of 7 days of each week.
- Respond to at least 2/3 of the student’s initial responses in each of the unit’s discussion boards.
- Not be absent from discussions for more than two consecutive days of the week.
Standard: The instructor provides multiple, recurring opportunities for students to receive timely feedback.
- Provide substantive written feedback to students with their numerical grade for their performance on each graded learning activity within one week of the due date.
- Do not accept any assignments through email or messages. All assignments should be uploaded in the course as provided.
- Send weekly messages to at-risk and absent students.