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Academic Support Center: Supplemental Instruction

Academic Support Center

Supplemental Instruction

Supplemental Instruction

What is supplemental instruction?

The term supplemental instruction (SI) refers to a tutoring program that pairs a tutor with a specific section of a course for a semester, usually courses with high failure rates.

SI tutors attend each class meeting, work with the class instructor, and hold study sessions to help students master course material. By attending classes, SI tutors can anticipate the questions students will have, and students who attend the study sessions know that the tutor's focus during that time will be just their class.  

If you're interested in attending an SI session, ask the SI leader in your class about meeting times or check the schedule.

If you're a member of the faculty who'd like to have an SI leader assigned to your class, contact us. If you're a student interested in being an SI leader yourself, apply online to join our staff.

SI Schedules

Here in the Academic Support Center, we offer supplemental instruction in several science classes each semester.

When the new semester's schedule is available, we'll post the meeting times here on this page.