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Faculty Resource Guide: Dual Enrollment

Guide for full and part time faculty

Dual Enrollment / Early College Access


Chesapeake College’s Dual Enrollment / Early College Access Program serves juniors and seniors from high schools within the five counties of our service region.   Students 16 years of age or older who have a cumulative high school grade-point average of at least 2.5 may be eligible for enrollment in courses offered on any of our campuses or in specifically dedicated face-to-face sections of courses delivered at the high schools.  The college credit earned by Dual Enrollment students can often be applied toward high school graduation requirements; in all cases, the credits earned at Chesapeake will become part of the student’s permanent college record.

It is critical that the College apply the same policies and standards for dual enrollment courses that it does for any other Chesapeake College courses.  Failing to do so can jeopardize transferability of the course for the students.  Please be aware that some area high schools require letter grades at mid-term, rather than the satisfactory and unsatisfactory grades required by Chesapeake.  These letter grades are included as part of the student’s report card grades.

As you might imagine, it is sometimes difficult to coordinate with multiple high schools in different counties, all of which operate on slightly different block schedules.  As a member of the Chesapeake College faculty, you are expected to maintain the college’s Academic Calendar.  It is critical that classes be held as scheduled and that both the high school and the College be able to provide accurate information about where students are at all times, particularly in cases of emergency.


Scheduled High School Closings 

Prior to the beginning of each semester, Chesapeake provides each local high school with a list of scheduled high school closings which conflict with the College's academic calendar.  With the exception of state and federal holidays, we make arrangements for the high school facilities to be open and College classes to be held as scheduled, even though the high school may not otherwise be open and transportation for students may not be provided.   Schedule coordination is typically more difficult in the spring semester because the high school students are finishing their fall term courses through the end of January, and Chesapeake’s spring break and the public schools’ spring break rarely coincide. 


High School Inclement Weather Policies 

If the high school cancels or delays opening due to inclement weather, Chesapeake’s class will be canceled as well.  Closings due to inclement weather can cause a great deal of difficulty in meeting the number of course hours required by state law to award college credit.  Therefore, the instructor will be responsible for working with the high school and students to make up any class sessions necessary.  In some cases, class times can be extended; in others, additional assignments or class meetings may be required. Please keep your dean aware of any arrangements you have made in this regard.

It is important that you review this information with students at the beginning of the semester so that they are fully aware of the course meeting schedule and can arrange transportation as necessary.



Because security requirements vary by school, plan to check in at the main office on the first day of class.  Ask who the school’s contact for the course will be in case there are any problems or emergencies.  Questions or problems regarding your college course regarding student behavior or attendance should be reported to Angela Denherder at or at 410-827-5856, so that the high school’s counseling staff can work with the student.


Internet Access 

In some cases, you may find that student access to certain internet sites from the high school facilities may be blocked or limited.  Check with the course contact at the high school regarding access and report any ongoing issues to your Dean.