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Innovation, Learning, and Effectiveness

Faculty Resource Guide: Teaching Online

Guide for full and part time faculty

Teaching Online


In addition to traditional face-to-face classroom courses, Chesapeake College offers courses online and hybrid. 

A significant number of classes at Chesapeake are taught completely or partially online, and most classroom-based courses include online components.  The College’s hybrid courses are designed to reduce seat time by offering half of the instruction in the traditional classroom setting and half via the Internet.  The system used to deliver online content and provide online connections among instructors and students is called Canvas.  This learning management system offers tools for online discussions, real-time chat, email, collaborative projects, video conferencing, submission and grading of student work,  grade book, calendar, and other course utilities.   Contact the Instructional Services for details and training.

All online course offerings must be developed in conjunction with the Instructional Services staff and meet e-Blueprint guidelines.  All potential full- or part-time faculty members must be trained through Instructional Services prior to teaching an online or hybrid course. 

Eligibility to Teach Online 

Instructors assigned to teach online or hybrid classes at Chesapeake must meet the following requirements.

  • Technical competency, including word processing, presentation software, email, file management, web browsers and standard operating systems, internet use and internet research skills, basic computer operation and maintenance.
  • Completion of Chesapeake College’s Chesapeake LMS Essentials course, or the equivalent. 
    • Instructors who have successfully taught online courses at Chesapeake College are exempt. 
    • Instructors who have used Canvas to teach online for at least one semester at another college may be exempted from this requirement if they can demonstrate competence with Canvas.  

Additional required training is offered by Instructional Services. This includes professional development training in a variety of technologies utilized by Instructional Services within Chesapeake Online classes.  

Note:  Chesapeake LMS Essentials is a four-week course, requiring about 16-20 hours.

Minimum Standards for Online Course Instruction 

In 2008, the Chesapeake College faculty approved the following guidelines for online teaching.

  • The instructor uses strategies to encourage active learning, interaction, participation and collaboration in the online environment.
  • The instructor promotes student success through regular feedback, prompt response and clear expectations.
  • The instructor models, guides and encourages legal, ethical, safe, and collegial behavior related to the use of online learning tools.
  • The instructor is responsive to diverse talents and ways of learning.
  • The instructor selects and implements assessments that appropriately measure student learning outcomes.

Course Preparation and Start-up

Each course needs the following:

  • A clearly written, well-organized syllabus is posted in the appropriate Canvas section one week before the first day of the semester.
  • A welcome message or announcement to students is posted in the appropriate Canvas section one week before the first day of the semester.  This message describes what students should do to prepare for class.
  • An icebreaker or introductory discussion is ready on day one of the semester.
  • The course is ready to be taught: content, learning activities, and assessments are present and organized.

Instructor Responsiveness

Instructors need to ensure the following in each course:

  • The instructor is present in an online course at least four out of every seven days.
  • The instructor responds to student emails or messages about the course within 24 hours, except for weekends and holidays.  
  • Grades on major assignments and tests are returned within one week of the due date.
  • The instructor engages in meaningful interaction with the class at least once per week. 
  • The instructor provides multiple, recurring opportunities for students to receive timely feedback.


Faculty Staff Manual

The Faculty Staff Manual is the source for all College policies.  Consult it for the most current and up to date policy statements.