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Innovation, Learning, and Effectiveness

Faculty Resource Guide: Teaching Related Policies

Guide for full and part time faculty

Teaching-Related Policies


Class Size

Class sizes have been negotiated with the faculty by discipline and typically average around 20-25 students.  The official listing of course caps is available from your academic dean.

The minimum number of students required for a course to be taught is determined by the academic dean and the Vice President for Workforce and Academic Programs, taking into consideration student needs, program and graduation requirements, and how frequently the course is scheduled to be offered.  If there is insufficient enrollment, the class may be canceled or offered as an independent study if required by students for graduation in a given semester.

Due to state regulations which govern the total number of minutes classes must meet in order to award college credit, faculty members are expected to meet all classes and to hold the class for the full period.  The faculty member is responsible for the conduct of students in the class, which includes both maintaining order and seeing that the classroom is maintained in good order.  Neighboring classes should not be disturbed by any classroom activity.

Should you be forced to miss a class meeting date due to an illness or emergency situation, contact your Dean immediately so that alternative arrangements for class coverage can be provided and students notified accordingly. You will be asked to submit a leave report for the time and to provide for your dean plans for making up the time and material missed.

For more information on leave benefits and policies see Section 4 of the Faculty/ Staff Manual.

The decision to use a substitute instructor is made by the Vice President for Workforce and Academic Programs.  Short- term absences are generally covered by other full- or part-time faculty.  Ten-month faculty members are entitled to 63 hours of sick leave per year.  Leave forms must be filed with the appropriate dean immediately upon return to work and should reflect absences from any regular faculty contractual obligation, including class time, office hours, committee meetings, etc.  In calculating leave, consider the work week as 35 hours, 7 hours per day.  Partial days should reflect the percentage of load for which the faculty member was absent. 

School Closings/Inclement Weather

Because Chesapeake serves such a large region of the Shore, in general, the college is open if the campus is accessible.  In the case of severe inclement weather, the message on the college switchboard and the home web page will announce any closings or delays. Local radio and television stations will also announce the cancelation of classes.  Announcements regarding morning cancelation will normally begin at 6:15 a.m. Announcements regarding evening cancelation will normally begin at 3:30 p.m.  If no announcement of cancelation is made, all classes will be held at regularly scheduled times. 

If classes are in session, faculty members are expected to fulfill their teaching obligations.  However, if conditions are deemed too hazardous, individual faculty may elect to dismiss class early, providing arrangements are made with the class to make up the time at a later date.